
Index provides investors with exposure to Rare Earth and Strategic Metals equity market

Frankfurt, (October 13, 2010) – On October 13, 2010, 4asset-management launched the Market Vectors Rare Earth/Strategic Metals index (Price index ticker: MVREMX; Total Return ticker: MVREMXTR). The index tracks the performance of the rare earth and strategic metals segment. The index is a global index and includes companies that either generate or have the potential to generate at least 50% of their revenues from Minor Metals/Minerals or Rare Earth Metals/Minerals. Both indices are calculated in real-time on the index platform of Structured Solutions AG.

The global production of Rare Earth / Strategic Metals is relatively small compared to base metals. However, these metals / Minerals are required for many high-tech products such as: electric motors of hybrid cars, wind turbines, efficient light bulbs, superconductors, fiber-optic communication systems. These metals/minerals are seen as a potential growth area as minor metals and in particular rare earth metals may be entering period of supply shortages. Substitutes of these minerals/metals are often inferior or not yet known.

The index is comprised of currently 24 companies. The index is free float-adjusted and modified market cap-weighted with no single stock accounting for more than 8.0% of the index at the quarterly reviews.

Currently the total market capitalisation of the index’ constituents is $24.775 million. The largest countries by weight in the index are Australia (23.9%), Canada (19.8%) and the United States (18.8%).

The top four companies in the index, by weight are: Lynas Corp. (8.8%), Iluka Resources (8.3%), Titanium Metals Corp. (6.7%), and Thompson Creek Metals (6.3%).

The performance year-to-date has been +49.4% for the Market Vectors Rare Earth/Strategic Metals Price Index (all data as of October 11, 2010).

The index has been licensed to Van Eck Global for use in a forthcoming exchanged-traded fund.

Market Vectors Rare Earth/Strategic Metals Index is calculated and maintained by Structured Solutions (S-Box) on behalf of 4asset-management GmbH.

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