Extension of delivery of old corporate action files
Frankfurt (23 July 2020) – MV Index Solutions GmbH (MVIS®) will replace the existing corporate action file for equity indices as the primary source of corporate action information dissemination with a new Daily Corporate Action File (DCAF). For the original announcement, please see here.
The transition period where all existing corporate action files will be delivered alongside the new DCAF was scheduled until 31 August 2020. However, we will extend this period through to 2 November 2020 . After that date, only the DCAF will be delivered. We encourage our users to transition to the DCAF file at the earliest opportunity, ensuring that you receive the most detailed and up-to-date information.
Please address any questions regarding the description, samples, contents or the delivery of the Daily Corporate Action File (DCAF) to index-support@mvis-indices.com or call index operations on Tel.: +49 (69) 4056695-55.
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