Autonomous driving vehicles, also known as self-driving cars or driverless cars, are vehicles that are capable of sensing their environment and navigating without human input. These vehicles use a combination of technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) software, light detection & ranging (LiDAR), radar, and computer vision, to understand their surroundings and make decisions about their movements.
One of the main advantages of autonomous driving vehicles is that they have the potential to significantly reduce the number of accidents caused by human error. They also have the potential to improve traffic flow, reduce congestion, and lower emissions.
In addition to the safety and environmental benefits, autonomous driving vehicles are also seen as a potentially profitable investment. The global market for autonomous vehicles is expected to reach $2,161.79 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 40.1% during the forecast period. However, as technology matures and more companies enter the market, the industry’s economic dynamic is rapidly changing.
The BlueStar® Autonomous Driving Index (BAUT) tracks the performance of global companies that partake in the adoption of autonomous vehicles, such as chipmakers, sensor manufacturers, and software developers.

BlueStar® Autonomous Driving Index


Source: MarketVector IndexesTM. Data as of January 31, 2023.


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About the Author:

Jesse Nacht is an Index Research Associate at MarketVector Indexes GmbH. Jesse’s core responsibilities include assisting in the design and analysis of the development of MarketVector. He holds a FINRA Series 57 Securities Trader License having come from a trading background. Jesse has an MA in Economics and Finance from Brandeis University’s International Business School and a BA in Economics from Brandeis University.


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