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MarketVector’s bond solutions provide access to select, high-quality fixed-income indexes with customizable concepts ranging from broad to niche markets and segments based on your needs.

Our solutions empower you to target specific exposures and ultimately build a more diversified and balanced portfolio of investment solutions.

94 MarketVector indexes are licensed to financial institutions to underlie publicly listed financial products with a total of USD 52 billion in assets as of 22 Dec 2024.

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Index Symbol AUM (mln USD)
MarketVector Digital Assets 10 Index SYMBOL MVDA10 AUM (MLN USD) -
MarketVector Digital Assets 100 Index SYMBOL MVDA AUM (MLN USD) -
MarketVector Digital Assets 100 Mid-Cap Index SYMBOL MVDAMC AUM (MLN USD) -
MarketVector Digital Assets 25 Index SYMBOL MVDA25 AUM (MLN USD) -
MarketVector Digital Assets 5 Index SYMBOL MVDA5 AUM (MLN USD) -
MarketVector Ethereum Index SYMBOL MVETH AUM (MLN USD) -
MarketVector Figment Ethereum Reward Index SYMBOL MVETHF AUM (MLN USD) -
MarketVector Global Defense Index SYMBOL MVDFND AUM (MLN USD) -
MarketVector Gold Crypto Leader Index SYMBOL MVGCI AUM (MLN USD) -
MarketVector Meme Coin Index SYMBOL MEMECOIN AUM (MLN USD) -
MarketVector Smart Contract Leaders Index SYMBOL MVSCLE AUM (MLN USD) -
MarketVector Solana Benchmark Rate SYMBOL SOLBR AUM (MLN USD) 0.00

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