Indonesia's economy, which has typically been reliant on commodity exports,1 is showing promising signs in terms of its domestic market, despite recent political instability.2 Together with more stable economic growth, the country's growing middle class, young population, decreasing unemployment, and rising GDP per capita3 all augur well for the future.

Indonesia - GDP per Capita (Constant 2010 $US)

Source: World Bank4

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About the Author:

Nathalie Rodilosso is an independent investment writer with a special interest in Emerging Markets.

The article above is an opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of MV Index Solutions or its affiliates.

1Bloomberg: Indonesia Pays Price of Protectionism as Commodity Exports Sink, March 28, 2017,
2The New York Times: Christian Governor in Indonesia Found Guilty of Blasphemy Against Islam, May 9, 2017,
3Central Intelligence Agency: The World Factbook, East & Southeast Asia: Indonesia, May 8, 2017,